PlatON 首席计谋官 Ada Xiao:《新挑战,新办理方案——伶俐都市的鼓起》

Tomorrow’s Cities, Today’s Technology

As a result of the dangers associated with our increasing connectedness, 47% of IoT developers cite security as their primary concern. These concerns are not unreasonable. In 2018, researchers found 17 vulnerabilities within existing smart city systems which could have enabled hackers to wreak havoc on entire populations by setting off flood warning systems and changing traffic signals.

世界正在产生改变,我们所糊口的都市也在不绝变革。跟着全球多半市数量不绝增加,发作性的全球都会化趋势愈加明明。从 1950 年到 2018 年,全球的城镇人口从 7.51 亿上升到 42 亿,面临仍在不绝增加的数字,全球当局所面对的问题早已从都市化酿成了情况可一连性。

中国最大的汽车业巨头万向控股有限公司投资了 290 亿美元开拓伶俐都市,以区块链技能作为技能支撑。从万向在能源高效应用和电动汽车的成长上来看,这个项目将会力争担保将来都市的焦点即为可一连性。

Already, our homes constitute a web of interconnected technologies, with more than 36% containing an IoT-connected appliance, such as Amazon’s_Alexa_, a smart thermostat, or smart television.

智能设备在我们糊口中的普及才方才开始。Garter 预计,在 2020 年,典范的伶俐都市将有约莫 97 亿物联网设备使得从医疗保健到废料处理惩罚等的各个环节城市充实操作有效的数据追踪为都市住民提供无缝的自动化处事。

In addition to benefiting local economies, smart cities may also enable the creation of energy “exchanges'' where houses trade electricity between themselves. Such a system would not only reduce the need for energy storage, with electricity being redirected locally to where it’s needed, but could also contribute to the popularity of renewable energy sources, such as solar panels, as homes would benefit directly from becoming producers of surplus energy.

爱沙尼亚在 2012 年应用漫衍式账本技能处理惩罚身份打点和税收方面的问题,给许多当局部分提供 7*24 小时的在线处事。当局引导创新由此带来精采的国度效率和宜居性,并敦促了创新初创企业的发作,孝敬了近 10% 的国度 GDP。

