技能篇:首届硅谷 GrinCon 上关于 Grin 的一手干货

With the introduction of Proof of Exponentiation, which allows fast block verification and fast full-sync verification, works will be shifted from miners to users and distributed storage will be achieved.

来自 Blockcypher 的 Catheryne 接着先容了 Grin 的几个特点:

RSA Accumulators

Hard to Solve

In order to achieve this, Igno said the following are needed:

When talking about the product’s roadmap, it’s funny that they showed a pic like this:

「A cryptographic accumulator is a primitive that produces a short binding commitment to a set of elements together with short membership/non-membership proofs for any element in the set.」

Merkle Tree

The original Paper can be found here:

-「A Cuckoo hashtable consists of two same-sized tables each with its own hash function mapping a key to a table location, providing two possible locations for each key」

Ongoing improvements to what’s there

Imagine if Moore's law applied to QC. You need about 100m 'physical' qubits (with the consideration of error correction, as the quibts are not pure). Log_18(100m) is about 30 years until we start to see meaningful impact.

Fireside Chat with Dan Boneh

Easy to Verify

原文标题:《关于首届硅谷 GrinCon 你想知道的一切(上篇)》

When being asked what features would he put in a new cryptocurrency if he created one, he mentioned:

The paper explains how we can construct proofs of (non-)membership as well as batch them across multiple blocks.

-Batching: Batch verify n proofs faster than verifying a single proof n times

John first briefly reviewed the concept of Proof-of-Work:

Later he addressed Cycle-finding:

He’s view on PoW is that:

Next up, Michael Cordner Grin Privacy and Scalability

一张幻灯片描写完 MW,先容了 Grin 在 Privacy & Scalability 方面的特性和存在的挑战。

Ignotus Peverell 是个假名,出自哈利·波特故事个中《三兄弟的传说》中的一小我私家物,作为三兄弟中最小的一个,Ignotus 是三小我私家内里最谦虚、也是最智慧的一个。也正因为这些品质,他最终从死神调皮的打算中活了下来。他获得的第三件灭亡圣器「一件隐形衣」,在儿女中代代相传,成为波特家属的传家宝,并最终传到哈利·波特的手中。

Then he introduced Hashtable, the history of Cuckoo Hashtable and how it works:

RSA Accumulators

Signature Aggregation

Wallet APIs

The current governmental structure seems to work… for now, but might be subject to change in the future.

He addressed the work published in Batching Techniques for Accumulators with Applications to IOPs and Stateless Blockchains.

He then addressed the Batching techniques for accumulators with applications to IOPs and Blockchains:

Grin 的首创人 Ignotus Peverell 通过处理惩罚过的呆板人语音谈话启动了集会会议,所以不知道毕竟是男是女,布满了神秘感。

Also built from groups of unknown order. Not post quantum secure.
Grin 的钱包和 Infrastructure 相关项目:

Wallets and Infrastructure for Grin:

Cucka(r)(t)oo Mining Proof-of-Work

The Edge-Trimming is a process that 「repeatedly identify nodes of degree one and eliminate their incident edges.」 The resulting un-trimmable edges form a cycle.

p.s 因为是英文集会会议,为了更精准的表述,有些内容将保存英文。

As well as trimming:

Efficient Consensus (without burning a lot of energy)

John Woeltz on the security audit of Grin. Grin Crypto Security Audit Results

Atomic Swaps, Relative Locks, FlyClient, Dandelion++ for the near future, and

Privacy via ZK

He first introduced how RSA Accumulators work and its advantages:

For GPU Mining it’s Cuckaroo on 2^29 edges, which takes 5.5GB of memory, and tweaked every 6 months to maintain ASIC resistance.

GrinCon 的开始

The positives include: Constant size inclusion proofs, Dynamic stateless adds, and decentralized storage.

——Michael Cordner

Node APIs

Vaults/Covenants, RSA Accumulators, Scriptless Scripts, 2nd Tier Enablement for a little bit later.

Examples of Accumulators include:

With a nice review here:

Besides, continued support are very much needed from the community, especially from the API side:

——Benedikt Bünz

Grin 他们需要 5.5 万欧元来完成剩余代码审计。用度相对较少,这是 Solidity 审计公司对这些较简朴代码的审计收费。

Transaction building APIs

——John Tromp

While there’s still room for improvement.

「These accumulators can be used to create stateless blockchains, in which nodes do not need to store the whole state to be convinced about which blocks are valid.」

PoW is used to achieve The characteristics of PoW include:

- However\, This scenario is likely to take longer\, due to the noisy qubits and the error correction. As engineering improves\, noise will go down and may eventually become a threat.

The future techs includes:

-Aggregating: Aggregate n membership roofs in a single constant size proof

Mimblewimble & PostQuantum Cryptography for Privacy Coins.

Pairing-based Accumulators

-「Proving membership of an element in an accumulator requires revealing the value of the element, and a witness.」
