深度 |《Wisdom Chain文档常识库》之多重签名

Allow interactive aggregate signature (IAS)

Allow non interactive aggregate signatures (NAS), where aggregation can be done by anyone

The Schnorr equation is satisfied, so the signature can be written as a function of public key combination



When A broadcasts her signature to prove her encrypted currency, B can get enough information to calculate A's private key and get her encrypted currency.

The private key used by A will be one-time, because she needs to send the private key to B.

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B gets all the private keys and receives the cryptocurrency held by A. at the same time, A also gets the currency of B.




Wisdom Chain多重签名

Transaction volume: by aggregating multiple signatures into one signature, the size of multi signature can be greatly reduced, and the bandwidth consumption for network transmission and the occupation of storage space of nodes can be significantly reduced.


Suppose that the concise process of atomic exchange between A and B through aggregate signature is as follows:

In the privacy protection of wisdomchain's latest white paper, we see the use of aggregate signatures.


Use of aggregate signature


It is proved to be secure in the common public key model


B signs a transaction and sends cryptocurrency to A.

A and B store the cryptocurrency in two respective signed addresses.

Because the points on the elliptic curve can satisfy the multiplicative combination law, for the two points X, Y and corresponding scalar (private key) x, y and the origin G on the elliptic curve,then:

其他区块链技能凡是是由第三方提供多重签名处事,但在Wisdom Chain上则是将其作为一个尺度成果。这对付想要实现多重签名成果的自动化编程者而言,也意味着用户可以或许通过接口就可以实现多重签名成果。


When creating a multi signature scheme based on Schnorr aggregate signature, in order to ensure that the multi signature signature looks like a single key signature, make the traditional verification method effective, and ensure that the whole process only needs linear sub signature aggregation, the scheme needs to meet the following characteristics:

What is aggregate signature


In the case of multi signature with ECDSA, if there are N private keys signed, the N signatures need to be verified respectively. Because of the linear characteristic of Schnorr Signature Algorithm, in the same case, the signatures of N private keys can be "aggregated" into one signature. The principle is as follows:

A uses the other half of the private key to sign and broadcast the transaction receiving cryptocurrency.

A provides B with an aggregate signature, which needs to be confirmed by B.

At present, there are many implementations of aggregate signature scheme based on Schnorr, and the final scheme given by Blockstream is MuSig. The differences of implementation modes and the specific principle of MuSig can be referred to [8] [9].


Performance: it can greatly reduce the cost of verifying signatures. The advantage of Schonrr signature algorithm is obviously. For a multi signer transaction, it needs to be verified many times, and aggregated signature needs to be verified only once, thus enhancing the speed of node verification.

其他区块链技能凡是是由第三方提供多重签名处事,但在Wisdom Chain上则是将其作为一个尺度成果。这对付想要实现多重签名成果的自动化编程者而言,也意味着用户可以或许通过接口就可以实现多重签名成果。

在Wisdom Chain上,支持的模式是MN,这意味着一个法则最多可以有M个签名,可是同时可以有N个签名时可以对其举办签名(请留意,N必需小于或便是M)。

Allow each signer to sign his or her own message.
