
We’re thrilled to announce that MathChain is joining?Web 3.0 Bootcamp 2021?along with other 11 teams building on Substrate and Polkadot. The 2021 cohort has a diverse representation of Web 3 stack covering smart contract, browser, decentralized identity (DID), layer 2, privacy, Defi, and more. In collective efforts, all teams will work towards a primary goal which is to pave the way for the next phase of the Internet, Web 3.0.

Hosted by Wanxiang Blockchain Labs, New Chainbase, Parity and Web3 Foundation, the program will provide MathChain six-month training with technology, product, capital, cooperation resources in the Wanxiang Blockchain ecosystem and Polkadot ecosystem. We look forward to working in a world-class community to build mature and sustainable business models based on Substrate and Polkadot.

About MathChain

MathChain is the Layer 2 blockchain based on Substrate.Based on the 1M+ MathWallet users, MathChain is focusing on smart wallet, massive adoption, go-to-market and inclusive blockchain applications and will be a decentralized permissionless parachain powered L2.Our investors includes Fenbushi Capital, Alameda Research, Binance Labs, FundamentalLabs, Multicoin Capital, NGC Ventures.MathChain has been selected as one of the ‘Parity Substrate Builders Program’ and ‘Web 3.0 Bootcamp’ projects.Visit? more information.

