Nervos 想让智能合约平台实现「代价存储」的经济模子毕竟是什么?

The native tokens of the Bitcoin network function both as a utility token and an asset. When bitcoins function as a utility, they can be used to pay transaction fees; when they function as an asset, they can be used to preserve value over time. Those two use cases are often referred to as the “Medium of Exchange” (MoE) use case and the “Store of Value” (SoV) use case. The two use cases are not mutually exclusive. They are both important for the network to function. However, it’s important to study the economic motives of the users of both use cases as a guide to analyze the sustainability of the Bitcoin network.


1. 代币经济学的设计方针

Public permission-less blockchains are open and distributed systems with diverse groups of participants. A well designed crypto-economics model is to provide incentives so that participants’ pursuit of own economic interests leads to desired emergent behaviors in alignment with the protocol, to contribute to the blockchain network’s success.

In a Plasma like layer 2 solution, a typical pattern is that users would deposit native tokens in a smart contract on the layer 1 blockchain in exchange for transaction tokens on the layer 2. A layer 2 operator with sufficient reputation can have users commit to fixed duration deposits, and then use such deposits to provide liquidity to the lending market and earn income. This gives operators of layer 2 solutions an additional revenue stream on top of the fees collected on layer 2.


there’s no obvious reason why the cost of expanding storage should be priced in fixed Gas amounts, which is used to price a unit of computation


「第一级资产」的设计答允开拓者可以不消拥有资产,以及承担状态存储的本钱,而是可以由其他独立的用户包袱。举个例子,开拓人员建设了一个用户自界说代币的验证法则,利用了 400 CK Bytes 的代码,同時每个资产所有权的记录都将占用 64 个字节。纵然资产拥有 10,000 个所有者,开拓人员仍然只需要利用 400 CK Bytes。

2. 比特币的加密经济模子

The Bitcoin protocol uses its native currency to incentivize miners to validate and produce blocks. The Nakamoto Consensus considers the longest chain as the valid chain, which encourages block producing miners to propagate new blocks as soon as they produce them, validate blocks as soon as they receive them to have the whole network achieve consensus on the global state.

公有非许可链是开放给所有人自由参加的漫衍式系统。一个经心设计的加密经济模子,可以将各方参加者的好处与协议的整体好处对齐 , 使其在追求自身经济好处的同时也能对整个区块链网络做出孝敬。


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