
跟着财经受报复激励gdp大幅低沉 比特币或伴随书市走低据bitcoinist动静,按照加密入股公司maple leaf capital一项偶尔观察表露,在130名接受访问者中,43%的人觉得比特币价钱会在纳斯达克指数到达1.1万点之前上升至1.1万美元比特币官方网站。惟有16%的接受访问者估计纳斯达克指数将率先飞腾。

然而41%的接受访问者表白,两者都不会到达11,000点比特币客户端。这种看法大概是精确的。大公储本周表露,它估计到2020年人民消费总值将低沉6.5%,这将是几十年来最大的低沉。大公储总统杰罗姆·鲍威尔说:“本质上,这是美利坚合众国以至全寰球最大的财经报复。” 财经数据并不即是财产价钱的变化,但两者在那种水平上是彼此关系的:低gdp表示着企业赚的钱更少,这大概会引导开销更少。即使这种情景爆发,比特币大概会伴随书市走低。你如何看?


bitcoin may follow the stock market lower as the economy suffers a sharp drop in gdp

according to a bitcoinist information, according to a temporary survey on the country of 130 respondents, based on cryptocurrency investment company maple leaf capital, 43 percent think bitcoin prices can rise to $11,000 before the nasdaq index hits the country's 11,000 point. only 16% of respondents expect the nasdaq to rise first. but 41% of respondents said neither would reach 11,000. that may be true. the federal reserve revealed this week that it expects gdp to fall by 6.5% by 2020, the biggest decline in decades. "this is, in fact, the biggest economic shock in the united states and the world," said fed chairman jerome powell. economic data do not equate to movements in asset prices, but the two are linked in a way: lower gdp means companies earn less, which can lead to less spending. if that happens, bitcoin could follow the stock market lower.

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