
'gasUsed': 7990111, from web3 import Web3 web3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider("")) 此刻你已经完成了!你可以利用web3 API欣赏查询数据布局了,你可以在所谓的黄皮书中阅读有关它们的更多信息,这显得很是突兀, import sqlite3 as sq3conn = sq3.connect("blockchain.db")cur = conn.cursor()# some SQL code, 'nonce': 415710,区块链数据库将被写入一次,与当地完全同步的节点(IPC)与Infura(Infura)上的地点举办通信,挥霍大量空间,以字节为单元 timestamp Unixs time() at this blocks inception 这个块开始时的Unix时间 miner 160-bit address for fees collected from successful mining 乐成采矿收取以太的160位地点 gasLimit maximum gas expenditure allowed in this block 此区块答允的最大气体耗损量 gasUsed total gas used by all transactions in this block 此区块中所有生意业务利用的总气体 transactions list of transaction hashes included in the block 块中包括的生意业务哈希列表 parentHash Keccak256 hash of the parent blocks header 父块区块头的Keccak 256哈希值 hash current blocks hash 当前块的哈希值 extraData extra data in byte array 字节数组中的特别数据 挖矿相关Block variableMeaning翻译 difficulty scalar value corresponding to the difficulty level of the block 对应于块的难度级此外标量值 totalDifficulty integer of the total difficulty of the chain until this block 直到此区块的链的总难度值 nonce hash of the generated proof-of-work; null when its a pending block 生成事情量证明的哈希值;当区块挂起时为null mixHash 256-bit hash which is combined with the nonce and used to prove that sufficient amount of computation has been carried out on this block 256位哈希与nonce团结利用来证明已对此块执行了足够的计较劲 uncle相关Block variableMeaning翻译 uncles list of uncle hashes uncle哈希值列表 sha3Uncles SHA3 of the uncles data in the block 块中uncles数据的SHA3值 技能相关Block variableMeaning翻译 receiptsRoot Keccak 256-bit hash of the root node of the tree structure populated with receipts of all transactions in this block Keccak树布局的根节点的256位哈希填充了此块中所有生意业务的收据 stateRoot Keccak256 hash of the root node if the state trie after all transactions are executed and finalisations applied 在执行所有生意业务并应用终止后。


e.g. select first five entries of the table Quickcur.execute("SELECT * FROM Quick LIMIT 5")a = cur.fetchall() #list of tuples containing all elements of the rowprint(a)conn.close()当地节点与Infura 假如要构建大型数据库, 'r': HexBytes('0x1bb901ad0a3add517504cc459fdb1545d193020ec5c63a566e440ee39dbfe131'),那么区块属性如timestamp将对区块中的所有生意业务反复N次,余额和其他大数字需要作为字符串存储在数据库中。


我们还可以查察生意业务收据: web3.eth.getTransactionReceipt('0x68c70c5ffe54a42ebf7118e7e931aeac018cee4656a816ffe6a01388da50c851')AttributeDict({'blockHash': HexBytes('0x44338e1f80302037c7213e8f56dd35d8a473b000319bc200f76e910e62d12f98'),并由其他通道以只读方法会见, 'to': '0xd96a6e75d099ce529bbd257cbcb403224cceaebf',区块或状态的根基信息,它们根基上可以测试你的智能合约,原因是SQLite只能处理惩罚最多8字节存储的有标记整数, Block:指定区块的信息,这将为这些数据打开一个新窗口! 数据库打点系统

