
Mining is a process of increasing the digital money supply. Mining also protects the security of the digital currency system, prevents fraudulent transactions, and avoids "double payments.". By providing computing power for the digital currency network, the miners exchange for the opportunity to obtain corresponding digital currency rewards. It is easy to understand that the process of mining is actually the process of issuing currency by the bank. In addition to issuing currency, the miner also undertakes the work of packing transaction bookkeeping.






There are two rewards for miners in Mining: a reward for creating a new block and a fee for trading in the block. In order to get these rewards, the miners calculate the mathematical problems based on the hash encryption algorithm. The answers to the mathematical problems are included in the new block, which is known as the "proof of work" as the work proof of the miners, commonly known as POW consensus mechanism.

The essential principle of mining is to run the mining program on the miner and calculate the algorithm to get the reward. The output of a single miner is not stable. In order to obtain a stable income from mining output, a mine pool appears. The ore pool is a collection of miners' mining machines. The more mining machines, the stronger the calculation power. In the total power of the whole network, it accounts for a certain proportion, so as to ensure a stable mining output. When allocating the mining output, it will be distributed in proportion according to the computing power contributed to the ore pool by a single miner, usually the ore pool will charge a small fee.


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