

Have you ever had such an experience: a friend shared a file link on the network disk because he didn't check it in time. When you think about logging in, you find that "ah, the webpage you visited no longer exists"? If the shared file does not exist, it may be that the sharing link failed, or the file was deleted, or the network disk service provider went bankrupt. If the latter is the case, you may have lost the file. Not only the information on the Internet, but also the "404 page was not found" when we visited some websites. At site 404, it is very likely that the files on the server are permanently deleted or the server is shut down. In either case, this means that the webpage you are looking for will disappear from the Internet.



In the current Internet central storage, it is an obvious disadvantage that the content may be permanently deleted. Icloud and Dropbox, two major network disks, spend more than 800 yuan on 2TB storage capacity every year. Dropbox's performance in 2018 shows that the average cost per user is 117.64 dollars. The high storage cost is another shortcoming of the current Internet central storage. Amazon's cloud service AWS failed on August 23rd, which caused the services of many trading platforms in the blockchain industry to be temporarily interrupted. When more and more companies store their own data and data on cloud servers such as Amazon AWS and Alibaba Cloud, once these centralized cloud service providers encounter problems or are attacked by hackers, the impact may be greater than people think. Centralized storage will inevitably encounter security problems. Moreover, it is not good enough to focus on privacy protection. Therefore, a lot of data with high privacy rights should be backed up by mobile hard disk instead of being directly stored on cloud disk. Therefore, is it possible to have a storage method that can make valuable content "long-term preservation, low cost, safety and strong privacy protection"? It's good. What does the investment policy framework do? IPFs is called "the new direction of Web3.0". It will not only subvert the existing Internet storage mode, but also become an important infrastructure of blockchain.


In fact, IPFS was put forward in 14 years. It should be the most original landing scene of blockchain, and it has huge space. Our current blockchain can be said to be a great social experiment, in which some excellent projects such as (UK) have been produced, but unfortunately, after 17 years, a large number of projects have repeatedly built this wheel, and we have imitated (UK) to do other supply chains, as well as projects like Boca. Most of the supply chains are in a stagnant state and will never start. Before we put forward 5G new infrastructure, no one did the infrastructure construction of blockchain.

